What do you do when the folks have left praying mode?
What do you do when the ‘Few’ have left the secret grazing on His Word but do gaze on distractions?
Probably due to tight perilous schedules!
But what can you say when nudity has become cheap while modesty and self-control had evaporated?
What do you do when mannerism is hard to find but irrational pretence, provocations becomes routine?
What do you do when The Supposedly-Admired inversely turned fallen heroes?
What do you do when vomits are repeatedly swallowed?
Can these Adamic cravings be curtailed?
What do you when the sacred things have suddenly turned a jesting fun fare?
What do you do when the Called can’t grasped the Callings?
What do you do when waiting on God becomes challenging?
What do you do when men seek fame and not trailing-blaze?
When will wounded soldier call for solace?
Who is willing to provide a soothing ointment?
All we can do is to go back to Calvary
All we can do is to pull back to the Secret Place
Let’s return to our drawing board
Team soldiers do retreat for dynamic redefinition on battle grounds
We can still draw strength from His throne with cautious repentance
All we can do is to focus on His mandate
May the unnoticeable pride not hinder us!
But don’t think you don’t know what to do.